Reading Day is a day set aside at institutions of higher education so that students can study and prepare for final exams. Usually, universities offer other activities for reducing stress and for building community. The above photo features the luminary exhibit from last year. Today is Reading Day as well as the day of the placing of the luminaries, a forty-seven year tradition at UNCG. If you are near campus, walking to enjoy the lights along paths and sidewalks will be well worth your while. The farther back you walk into campus, the more intensely the candles glow- since there is less ambient light.
Other highlights this evening are the lighting of the Vacc Bell Tower and Anniversary Plaza and performances by the UNCG Steel Band and the Grimsley High School Madrigal Singers. Chancellor Gilliam will speak and hot cocoa will be served. The public is invited to attend this free event. It is so nice to support these collaborative, community-wide events. Hope to see you there.*
*learn more about UNCG's Reading Day and the Vacc Bell Tower, here.
I love the tradition of luminaries at UNCG. It creates a warm Christmas feeling.
Posted by: Jane Tucker Mitchell | Tuesday, December 06, 2016 at 09:38 AM
The architecture really appeals to me!
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, December 06, 2016 at 04:33 PM