Chakras Spa and Salon on South Elm Street is a place for pampering yourself-- from hair styling to full body massages to facials to pedicures, and more. As you head upstairs at Chakras, or slide into one of their "nests," they encourage clients to avoid using cell phones. As seen in the above photo, they also remind us to aspire for peace. Peace is defined as "1) freedom from disturbance; 2) quiet and tranquility; 3) freedom from or the cessation of war or violence."
Greensboro has a long tradition with aspiring for peace. The 1960 sit-ins were non-violent protests. Greensboro actually held a PEACE Festival in September this year. It was an international, interfaith festival downtown, sponsored by The Islamic Center of Greensboro. Then there is Peace United Church of Christ on West Market Street. Finally, UNCG has a Department of Peace and Conflict Studies.
When we hear of heinous crimes like the Russian ambassador to Turkey being assassinated while speaking at a photo exhibit, and then learn that people were purposefully plowed down in a Berlin Christmas market, we may all need to work harder to ensure PEACE on earth. At the end of the day, it is a lot easier to feel an inner peace when we have experienced the gentle touch of human hands. If you are looking for holiday gifts for that person who is anxious, angry, or even hostile, perhaps a good massage from a reputable spa is in order!
Looks like a nice relaxing place for the female gender. Peace, baby! :)
Posted by: Jacob | Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 11:10 AM
Yes, the news seems to be more and more discouraging by the day.
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 05:38 PM