Today's featured church is Florida Street Baptist Church in Glenwood. This church now also houses Spring Garden Community Church and Hope Christian Academy. According to a 2014 News & Record article, Florida Street Baptist was down to under ten members. Florida Street Baptist experienced decline when the demographics of Glenwood changed. Given that it takes over $5,000 a month to pay the bills of the church, the congregation decided to open its doors to the Spring Garden Church, which has infused new life into the facility. Having Spring Garden Community Church and Florida Street share the same building is a win-win.
The original cornerstone of the church is missing; however, the cornerstone for the educational building (not featured above) dates it at 1968- 1969. We hope the church stays around for a very long time. On the day we visited, we noticed a very large pecan tree on the western corner of the lot. This year the nut tree has been extremely prolific. Maybe it is a sign that the whole facility will be fruitful. In the meantime, we hope someone harvested the pecans.
That's an imposing structure and a nice photo.
Posted by: Jacob | Sunday, December 04, 2016 at 08:34 AM
I like the look of the church.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, December 04, 2016 at 02:35 PM