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Monday, December 05, 2016


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It's always nice when a city does something like build roads which are actually helpful to the citizens! :)

Re your comment on Ocala: The one thing I don't like about Lake Sumter Landing is the name. Sumter carries the connotation of being the place where the Civil War began and that has stuck in my craw for many years, although I know that the present day place is not to be held accountable for what happened so long ago. :)

Wishing you a good week.


I guess that's progress Janis but honestly I find it so disconcerting when I'm driving somewhere that I haven't been to for a while and find it all changed ☺ ☺


Change is inevitable I guess. They have started doing a lot of that kind of work on the roads here at night, which makes it easier to get around during the day at least.

William Kendall

The road crews here tend to switch out to winter duties, which involve a lot more ploughing and a lot less paving!

Gemma Wiseman

Lots happening here it seems. The hanging lights surprise me. So low slung.

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