The early 20th-century, brick, Italianate buildings on Lewis Street have taken on a new glow with the strings of lights hovering the street. The lights add not only extra lighting, but also a sense of style and decoration. They are reminiscent of side streets in Europe and New York City. they lead back to the maker spaces, offices, and then to Gibb's Hundred Brewery. The whole scene makes the area a log more pedestrian friendly than it had been.
They say Thursday is the new Friday. If you are heading out tonight, consider driving by Lewis Street and see how much it has changed. For now, it is still possible to drive and park along Lewis Street. As for the lights, we're wondering where they got them. They would look lovely in anyone's back yard. Happy Thursday!
Terrific shot!
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 04:17 PM