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Friday, September 16, 2016


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Loring Mortensen

Thank you for including the talk by Hank Willis Thomas and his exhibition at the Weatherspoon. We appreciate your help building awareness for our programs. A clarification please: Mr. Thomas's (not Mr. Willis) talk and his exhibition was brought to UNCG as part of the Weatherspoon Art Museum and UNCG Art Department's Falk Visiting Artist series (which happens twice each year). The exhibition and lecture are made possible in part by UNCG’s Performing Arts Series; Fabric of Freedom, an arts program of the National Folk Festival; and the Humanities Working Groups for Community Impact Initiative, a project of the National Humanities Alliance Foundation supported by the Whiting Foundation. Hank's talk and exhibition are listed as a part of ArtsGreensboro and 17 Days Greensboro promotional calendar of things happening in September.

William Kendall

It would seem he's drawn quite a crowd!


I would like to see Hank Willis Thomas' art.

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