Faithway Baptist Church is located at 610 East Lake Drive on the northern edge of Westerwood, is located in the building that was formerly the Beth David Synagogue. Jewish services were held there from 1947- 1982, when Beth David relocated to Hamilton Lakes. Since then, the building added a steeple and converted to a Christian church. We wish Faithway had more information about the history of the property.
The Faithway church looks so beautiful now with the crepe myrtle lush and in bloom. Stop by, if you get a chance. The dynamic congregation of Faithway will be having a "Back to School Bash" on August 19th. You can almost see Grimsley High School from the porch of the church. Likely, several of there members have ties to Grimelsy.
Happy Sunday, dear readers.
Excellent perspective for the shot!
Posted by: William Kendall | Monday, August 15, 2016 at 04:06 PM