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« Body Painting | Main | Lebauer Park at Night! »

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


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Melody Steenkamp

Lovely choise for this weeks letter ! Not one to overlook easily walking down the street there ;-)

Have a nice ABC-W-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Billy Jones

In the early 1960s my Daddy used to work as a parking attendant for Thalheimers in that same building as that parking garage has always been a nightmare.

That was one of 3 jobs he worked at the same time. Another was changing tires at Western Auto down the street and the 3rd was full time at Lorillard Tobacco Company pre union days.

William Kendall

I do like the sign.

Gemma Wiseman

The sign is elegant. Clearly an impressive venue.


Must be very elegant inside, too!

abcw team


And it is on ELM street!

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