Some cities have their decorated animals-- pigs, cows, horses, etc. Greensboro has landed pairs of decorated jeans around downtown. In April, Wrangler (VF Corp.) held a Jeansboro design competition and the six of fifteen results have been installed around town. Several of the winning artists are from New Garden Friends School and Northwest Guilford High. The above pair of jeans was designed and painted by Jordan Clodfelter of New Garden Friends School. The three possible themes for the jeans were 1) Greensboro/Triad; 2) School Pride; 3) Original Themes. Jordan's Cone Denim theme clearly represents Greensboro-- the year it became a city, the Woolworth Sit-ins; the Carolina Theatre; the skyline; baseball; the state flower; a map; and the flag. If you are out for First Friday tomorrow, stroll along Elm Street to see these art projects. The above pair is at the northwest corner of Washington Street and South Elm.
"D" is for "Denim" Greensboro's textile industry was built on flannel and denim. The term "denim" is derived from Nîmes, France (de Nîmes, or from Nimes). The word "jeans" comes from the French word for Genoa, Italy (Gênes). Which do you prefer? Denimville or Jeansboro? Any way you say it, "denim" or "jeans," you are speaking French! And we hope you get out and see Greensboro's latest art with great meaning to our city's history. The painted jeans have been installed just in time for the National Folk Festival and, hopefully, will remain here for a very long time.
I prefer the idea of "de Nimes"as its origin, but I like the name Jeansboro better since it places the emphasis on the item itself.
Posted by: Jane Tucker Mitchell | Thursday, August 04, 2016 at 09:50 AM
That's quite a different idea!
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, August 04, 2016 at 04:04 PM