The Better Business Bureau (BBB) of Central North Carolina/Greensboro is located at 529 College Road in northwest Greensboro, very near Guilford College. For over 100 years, the BBB has been setting standards for business practices and helping consumers make informed choices, helping them identify ethical and trustworthy businesses. The BBB makes effort to ensure that businesses are truthful in their advertising. The provide services for businesses and consumers. Their motto is "Start with trust." Visit their website, here. The BBB was an Angie's List, long before there was an Angie's List. As a matter of fact, Angie's List is accredited with the BBB.
Now that business is conducted not only in brick and mortar places, but also over the phone, and online, the BBB is busier than ever. For example, right now, they are warning of a phone scam targeting recent college graduates with debt (see, here). A visit to the BBB sounds like it would be a good field trip for high school students, especially with the efforts to incorporate more financial literacy into the curriculum.
Truthfully, when we set out to find the BBB, we assumed it would be downtown. We were surprised of the above location, but loved the fact that there is convenient parking all around the building. Today is ABC Wednesday and for our ALPHABET ROUND, "BBB" is for Better Business Bureau. If you live in Greensboro and you see any businesses with letters featured prominently, please give us some ideas. We were so delighted to drive up and find the BBB so prominently displayed!
Your post prooves again that appearances can deceive ;-)
The building looks dull to me but the work that is done inside is the total other side.
Good choice for the letter on hand
Have a nice ABC-W-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (team abc-w)
Posted by: Melody Steenkamp | Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 06:54 AM
The BBB has been of assistance to us on a couple of occasions. Glad they're working hard in your community too!
Posted by: Lowell | Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 08:33 AM
The organization is present here as well.
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 12:00 PM
The BBB operates around the country, Melody!
Posted by: Roger Green | Saturday, July 23, 2016 at 01:36 PM