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Friday, June 10, 2016


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Thank you Janis for always documenting all the fun we have here in Greensboro! I might check out my friend Sage Hanna Solo Art Show tonight. She is selling original art work with LOCAL themes at Irving Park Art & Frame, 2105-A W Cornwallis Dr in Greensboro.
5:30-8:30pm Opening Reception, show open through July 9


Looks like they're having a good time and entertaining a bit, too!


This is going to be a nice, happy and FUN weekend!


So glad you visited my porch and thank you for your comment. I dont know much about your city and your blog is very informative so i am enjoying it! Hope you come back to visit my blog again and again! Have a great weekend!

William Kendall

A fun shot!


Nice way to start the weekend!

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