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« On the Farm | Main | To Row or Not to Row... »

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


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Thanks for this. Not sure how you knew, but we have worked on every house that you presented except one. (we'll get to that one soon enough).

Great post. - David Hoggard

Melody Steenkamp

They do a great job! Many buildings deserve that!

Have a nice abcwednes-day / – week
♫ M e l d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

William Kendall

A creative name... and I like these homes!


beautiful homes and windows...if i had 100+ year old windows, i'd keep them...i think the imperfections are wonderful! i know they aren't very energy efficient but still!

Roger Green

I have NO skills in this area. I appreciate the skills of others.



Nice old houses. I can not make up my mind about which I like the most....

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