Greensboro Beautiful and the Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department, once again, provided the community with a spectacular Parisian Promenade on the site of the David & Rachel Caldwell Historical Center and the Tanger Family Bicentenial Gardens on Hobbs Road. The above photo, taken at the event yesterday, features the mime who walked along the promenade delighting young and old alike. It looks like he was alone as he jumped from behind a wooded tree and picked the next family to participate in his merriment. In reality, the park was alive with people and artists, poodles, and other breeds of dogs.
Summer in Greensboro is so special. You don't need to leave town to have fun. While the Parisian Promenade is only held once a year, if you like events in gardens, on October 2nd, Greensboro Beautiful will offer a performing and visual arts event in the Greensboro Arboretum. Greensboro Beautiful is an organization of volunteers that has been working to help keep Greensboro Beautiful, and to bring our gardens alive, since 1968.
Unfortunately, the mime's name was not listed in the program and of course he would not break character and tell us. If you know, please share it in the comments below.
Throughout the week, we will feature more photos from the Parisian Promenade, the MUSEP Concert at Blandwood Mansion last night, Doodad Farm's Hank Williams Tribute from Saturday, and so much more.
Brings back memories of when I was lucky enough to see Marcel Marceau when he performed in Greensboro years ago. Yesterday's promenade was indeed special.
Posted by: Jane Tucker Mitchell | Monday, June 06, 2016 at 11:29 AM
That must be a fun event, although I might have punched the mime if he jumped out at me from behind a tree! :)) Your city does have a lot going on year round!
Posted by: Lowell | Monday, June 06, 2016 at 01:04 PM
He looks like you fully expect a mime to look!
Posted by: William Kendall | Monday, June 06, 2016 at 04:29 PM