Signs at churches usually have messages that try to get you to pause, take notice, and think-- maybe even long after you've passed the sign. The above sign, found at Highway 150 in the very western end of the county, is no exception. And, it is pretty self explanatory. Union Grove, was formed in 1911 and it is actually closer to Kernersville than Greensboro.
We featured the church building seven years ago (in 2009, here) showing the acreage in front of the church that was planted in tobacco. We were surprised yesterday to see that no tobacco has been planted this year and it is already almost June. Perhaps the fields are having a year of rest. It is usually an indication that change is coming when fields stop yielding crops. As the rained stopped yesterday, the skies over the church brightened and everything is the area looked and smelled clean and fresh. Maybe that rain was a way of saying " and on the sixth day, the dust was washed from the Bibles," to help us all find a cleaner path. See, we are still pondering that message!
Quite a dramatic sky. One of the churches here currently has a quote from the Dalai Lama outside on its sign.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 02:28 PM