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« Dress Day Downtown | Main | Ride of Silence »

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


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Melody Steenkamp

A place i would surely avoid to visit ;-)

Nice choise for this weeks letter though

Have a nice abcwednes-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)
( http://melodymusic.nl/abc-wednesday-18-s/ )


beautiful theater!!

William Kendall

That is quite an impressive entrance.

Jane T. Mitchell

Most appealing and nostalgic.

Su-sieee! Mac

I can imagine the Carolina sign all lit up. Very cool!
The View from the Top of the Ladder


Lots of good things happening in Greensboro. Bike riders are an endangered species in most areas, even where they have bike lanes. I've seen where motorists will deliberately try to run them off the road or hit them. Lois Anne and I ride but we stay off the main thoroughfares.

And it's always good to see a fine old theater still in business. In some ways the big new multiplexes just don't have the charm that the small local theaters have.

Roger Green

I LOVE old theaters!

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