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Saturday, May 14, 2016


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Liliana J

Wonderful photo! Great article!
I will make a point in visiting the Peony Patch before spring is over.

William Kendall

That is beautiful!


I did not know Greensboro had a Penny Farm...er, peony farm. But I absolutely love your photo! And in keeping with the occasion I'd say a peony saved is a peony earned. Sorry, I have to say stuff like that sometimes. It's in my DNA and I'm not responsible. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Gemma Wiseman

A good dose of nature is an essential as an antidote to 21st century social pressures. Stunning photo.


Gorgeous color!


A vase full of peonies is as sight to behold! Gorgeous macro Janis, peonies remind me of ballet tutus :)

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