This photo from yesterday morning was taking in Country Park on Day 2 of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. This young father, in his coat of blue with red facing, is ready to go to Battle for General Greene. Walking back from the bath house to camp, he was having a serious conversation with his younger son. The older son didn't have as many questions; likely, he has been at this re-enacting business longer than his little brother. Imagine growing up, participating in these living history events. AP American history should be a breeze for these guys.
To the right, in the background, you see other park users, in 21st century garb, also enjoying their walk in the park. Greensboro is so lucky to have such a great park system. Reenactment, or not, on the weekends, our parks experience heavy use. It makes us proud to see our tax dollars put to such good use.
Well, the Battle of Guilford Courthouse weekend has come and gone for another year. We're betting the above dad has transitioned from a weekend in the 18th century to celebrating the mathematical constant Pi, 3.14, today. Happy Pi Day!
I wonder what the kids do think of it. I'd enjoy seeing this for myself.
Posted by: William Kendall | Monday, March 14, 2016 at 11:17 AM