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Tuesday, March 01, 2016


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Oh Janis!
The timing of this is not lost on me. I've left my home country in Germany in June of 1996. Yes, this coming June I've been living in the United States for 20 years!!! I was 26 years old when I left my "Heimat," so soon I will have lived longer in the US then I've lived in Germany.

I am very happy to share that North Carolina feels like home (or my new "Heimat") to me. I LOVE the four seasons and the nature but most of all, I feel at home here because people like you make me feel welcome!


The building still has an elegant feel to it and I think the b&w does take one back to the 50s. Nice post!

William Kendall

I like the look of the place, Janis!


Looks like a swanky place! Good choice for the theme day.


It's a very nice bulding and I love how they've kept it intact!


what a great retro building, love it!

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