The weather was sunny, but cold, yesterday in Greensboro. Marines spent the day recruiting on UNCG's campus behind the student union building. The above photo was taken after 4pm, when the Marines started dismantling their tents and took a little time to burn off some energy. In the above photo, you see one Marine doing pull ups. College campuses are such a great place to learn about what college students are doing. Yesterday, many college students were considering signing on the dotted lines to become a marine.
The Marines are having a big celebration at Camp Lejeune and Jacksonville, NC in honor of their 75 anniversary. * Over the years, they've acquired a catchy phone number: 1-800-MARINES. Pretty darn memorable. When you see the guys working together to dismantle a recruitment station, you can see why they are so effective. Teamwork
As Greensboro prepares for Superbowl 50 tomorrow, merchandise if flying off the shelves. People love their Panthers t-shirts. Superbowl cupcakes are also a big-ticket item. As we prepare to watch the football game of the season, let us remember that there are other people out there defending our nation and making it possible to enjoy events like Superbowl 50.
* Read more, here.
I remember watching a documentary a few months back on the history of the Marines. Fascinating stuff.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, February 06, 2016 at 11:24 AM