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Sunday, February 21, 2016


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Jane T. Mitchell

Current address: Walker or Spring Garden??

Greensboro Daily Photo

Adcock Auditorium is at the corner of Spring Garden and Tate Streets, with the physical address of 408 Tate Street.

The above church is at the corner of Walker and Aycock. Sorry for the confusion.


Jane T. Mitchell

Strange that it has a Walker St. address when it faces Aycock? I mistook this for the church opposite Aycock Auditorium. I think it is College Place Methodist?

Greensboro Daily Photo

That is correct, Jane. There is a Methodist church at the corner of Tate and Spring Garden Streets. We, too, wondered why the Baptist church has an address that is Walker Avenue, when it faces Aycock. I'm betting it got rebuilt over the years and the orientation changed.

William Kendall

A very distinctive looking church.

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