Approximately 100 people gathered in Center City Park on January 1st to start the new year off with some calming spirituality. Annie Fitzmaurice led the group through some visualization activities. She spoke of wishing wellness, peace, and harmony through kindness. Her voice is calming and perfect for leading a group in meditation. Anne also leads yoga and fitness exercises in the park. As we sat, experiencing the group meditation on Friday, we were struck by the fact that even the dogs were meditating. Not one barked.
Regardless of what religion you practice, mindfulness, meditation, and mind clearing, are said to be good for one's health. Focusing one's thoughts on kindness and clearing out negativity sounds like a great way to start the new year. We are lucky in Greensboro to offer such opportunities for free. Happy Sunday!
Rather peaceful!
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, January 03, 2016 at 04:07 PM