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« Life's Journeys | Main | Spring Garden Bakery and Coffee House »

Monday, February 01, 2016


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This appears to be a nice place, and I'd certainly stop for a cup of joe if I was in the naborhood!

William Kendall

This place does look inviting! By the way, regarding your question today, I'd recommend the croque monsieur!

EG CameraGirl

I would enjoy going to this coffee shop!


I love the look of this place. And I'm always happy to see a coffee shop FULL! :)

Janis Dority

Cozy and fun all at once plus...coffee! My kind of place, love their name too.

Merisi in Vienna

What beautiful contribution to this month's theme day!
Love the scene, and your description and thoughts too.
Thank you for participating,


Nice and interesting combinations here.


Bravo! I love this coffee house. Wish I had it near me.

Lauren Kennedy

A busy place which really does look very friendly.

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