For many Christians, the Christmas season ends with Christmas Day. Some religions place more emphasis on Christmastide, or, the 12 days after Christmas and January 6th is Epiphany or Three Kings Day. During Christmastide, nativity scenes are especially meaningful. We found the above display in Gibsonville very near the Guilford/Alamance County borders. It was placed in the yard of a single family home. It is quite a commitment to have and store such a large display. People seemed to really enjoy it as we weren't the only ones driving by and taking pictures of this nativity. We're betting it would be even more beautiful in the snow. Greensboro has been experiencing record warm December weather; so we don't anticipate cold weather anytime soon.
We hope that you are having a great weekend and, if you celebrate Christmas, we hope it is was filled with meaning and great tradition.
Happy Sunday!.
That is a large display in front of a home. Looks lovely under the tree.
Posted by: Gemma Wiseman | Sunday, December 27, 2015 at 03:37 PM
It's quite a nativity scene!
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, December 27, 2015 at 03:38 PM
We were in Cedar Key yesterday and I noted a number of nativity scenes...on residential lawns, some businesses and, of course, church properties. Some are nice, some are just plain ugly. But they are popular!
Posted by: Lowell | Monday, December 28, 2015 at 09:02 AM