Sheila Groves, originally from Lenoir, NC, came to Greensboro on a Broyhill Scholarship in the 1970's. Fortunately for Greensboro, Sheila stayed put. She majored in early childhood development at UNCG and dedicated her professional career to teaching in the public schools. First, Sheila taught Kindergarten, many years at Sedalia, Millis Road, and Pilot Elementary Schools. Upon retiring from the Guilford County Schools, she became an instructor at UNCG.
Now, in retirement, it seems as if she is busier than ever. She is member of Delta Kappa Gamma, an international society of women educators. She is a member of Greensboro's Beta Delta Chapter, where she served as president. Now, she is the president of the state chapter, Eta State. In the above photo, Sheila is seen at a working dinner for the organization, held at the Lone Star Steak House on High Point Road. Sheila always has a warm smile on her face, even when she is in the throes of a mountain of paperwork. As you can see, she is in her element when doing things for others. She loves working with this organization of like minded women who are so committed scholarship and to making a difference in the realm of public education- here and abroad.
While in college at UNCG, Shelia made many lifelong friends and, every year since graduation, the same weekend in May, a group of eleven dorm friends travels to the beach for a weekend together. They come from different cities throughout the United States with very different careers, however, they are united by the strong bond they built while in Greensboro and at UNCG. When not traveling with family, friends, or Delta Kappa Gamma, Sheila docents elementary school groups for the Greensboro Historical Museum.
Most people don't know that Sheila used to live in a warehouse downtown, on Davie Street, in the 1980's, way before gentrification, before Greensboro's downtown buildings were renovated, and before Davie Street burned. Sheila loves the fact that there are so many opportunities to volunteer in Greensboro and that she has met many great people in Greensboro as a result of her volunteering.
Today is ABC Wednesday and "S" is for Sheila Groves, who is part of our A-Z Local (Women) series. To see the other ABC Wednesday entries for "S," around the world, go here.
It sounds like she's keeping exceedingly busy!
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 11:07 AM
Every week i wonder with who you come up ...and although i don't know any of them i always am intriged by the person you write about!
Have a nice abc-day/- week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc.-w-team)
Posted by: ♫ Mel☺dy ♫ | Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 08:48 AM
@ William... indeed Sheila is busy!
@ Melody... Thanks, we have some great people in Greensboro. Finding time to interview is my biggest problem; not finding the people. I say that as I enter the UVWXYZ part of the alphabet!
Posted by: Janis & David | Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 05:07 PM
another great addition to your city!
Posted by: Roger Green | Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 06:59 PM