The red-shouldered hawk is very common in North Carolina and it stays here all year long. This forest raptor stopped by our garden to investigate the plastic owl we have there to discourage critters from eating our produce. Hawks are territorial, so, hopefully, he will be around for a while. Even the pesky groundhog might not be so quick to waddle on over with a hawk on watch. Hawks love small mammals, frogs, and snakes. If he sticks around, he will have plenty to choose from in our yard. We were surprised how close to our house he was perched. Fall is a wonderful time to observe animals as they scamper and increase their activity to get ready for winter.
If you love wild bird watching, you should consider joining the Piedmont Bird Club. This Saturday, they will be at the Fall Festival at Bur-Mill Park and on Sunday, they will sponsor a hike for bird watching along the Deep River. They have six events in October so this is the month to join! Find out more about the club and their events, here. You may even see a few hawks!
What a beauty!
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, October 08, 2015 at 12:11 PM