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Wednesday, October 07, 2015


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See, I learned something new today. Even though I've known Mariela for several years and listened to her story about life in Cuba recorded by "Story Corp," I had no idea that she and Lulu collect smiles.

However, that should not surprise me because that is so much like her, always trying to put a smile on other peoples faces ;)


Hi, Mariela, nice to meet you!


Mariela sounds like a wonderful person and a wonderful addition to your community. Florida's loss! :)


She seems to be a lovely lady and I love her sMile!

abcw team


She has a very friendly and welcoming smile!

♫ Mel☺dy ♫

Some people are truly to be envied... i wish i could live in that state of mind...

Have a nice ABC-week / - day
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Roger Green

a great addition to your city


William Kendall

Such a wonderful portrait!


What a hearty, dramatic and happy-ending story of Mariela. Many many smiles to her and to your country's amazing hospitality.
Thank you so much for your comment on my drawing blog!
Answering your question, I turned off the comments on MDP, as the blog was stopped but then the crowd of spammers suddenly appeared.
Thank you for your interest and great memories of my CDP activity.

Life with Kaishon

I love this post so much. What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing. I wish Mariela and her family nothing but the best.

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