The above photo provides a "slice of life" shot of a Saturday morning at the Iron Hen on the edge of Latham Park. It isn't very often that we talk about the actual photography aspect of Greensboro Daily Photo; however, today's photo is a good example of our process. Some days we go to prearranged places to photograph events or make appointments to photograph people. However, many of our photos come via a great deal of serendipity. A couple of Saturdays ago, we were driving eastbound along Wendover Avenue en route to the Art Stock stop on Summit Avenue.
The look of breakfast at Iron Hen Restaurant was so visually appealing that we pulled off of Wendover Avenue to capture the scene. The minute we passed Hill Street, this view could be seen from afar and it stood out. Not wanting to draw too much attention, we took one photo and continued to our nearby destination. At home, we analyzed the photo and decided this is what we liked about the scene. Everyone is wearing a shirt and pants; all of the pieces of clothing are solids; blue, green, and red are featured prominently; the waiter's shirt echoes the saying on the side of the restaurant; the triangles of the black umbrellas punctuate the scene; no cars are parked in the spaces in front; the day is overcast and so there are no harsh shadows; all of the color is in the middle third of the photo; and the horizontal lines are carried through on many levels in the photo. The straight-out-of-the-camera photo is not perfect, but we like it for the above reasons.
Do you think a photographer's mind processes all of that information with one little look? As in, "a picture is worth a thousand words?" What comes to mind to make a photographer curious enough to pull off the road to take a picture? We like this photo of the Iron Hen, taken over five years ago; however, it has a completely different vibe. We think we'll head back to the Iron Hen and enjoy a fresh, local, good meal! And, just maybe, get another photo.
wow it really has improved since the last must be good as there is not one empty table!
Posted by: Tbreese823 | Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 08:56 AM
Quite a contrast from the first shot. It certainly looks busy!
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 03:49 PM
Sometimes the 'something' that first captures your eye is the very thing that makes your photo great. As you say, the colours seem to spin a thread through the middle of this scene.
Posted by: Gemma Wiseman | Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 05:00 AM