Last night, families were still visiting the pumpkin patch at Guilford College United Methodist Church (GCUMC) on Fleming Road after dark. It closes at 7:00 pm and final purchases were being made. Imagine the wonderful memories that are being made by that little child in the blue jacket. The pumpkin patch looks beautiful, by day, when the sun is shining down on it. However, the sapphire blue shades at dusk in autumn are quite charming. The A-line roof, the string of lights ,and the backlit cross are nice touches, too.
This Friday, from 5:30- 7:30, GCUMC will have Trunk or Treat. Church members will open the trunks of their cars and children will go from trunk to trunk, instead of wandering through neighborhoods trick or treating. This is a very active congregation. If you want to see more of what they are doing, see a recent newsletter, here.
How I wish we had something like that here! Lovely atmospheric shot!
Posted by: cieldequimper | Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 02:50 PM
Photographing at this time of the evening does make for a pretty shot!
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 04:23 PM