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Tuesday, October 27, 2015


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Sarah Isaacson

Correction: It is WATER VAPOR, not smoke, that billows from the plant. Evonik does not release smoke into the air.

The main product produced at the Greensboro plant is a superabsorbent polymer used in baby diapers and adult hygiene products. It also has agriculture and food industry applications.

Marion Hofmann

As employee of Evonik Corporation I'm very proud of our high standards that we set for our environment, our neighbors and the safety of our employees. This is a great company to work for and "who doesn't enjoy the thinner diapers?" which are researched/ developed/ manufactured and sold from this facility..???

Janis & David

How wonderful to have two employees from Evonik chiming in here. We at GDP love learning about the community. Thank you for sharing. We'll go back in and make the correction about the water vapor!

William Kendall

That is a big building and company then.

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