Yesterday's hawk inspired us to show one more photo from our bird watching adventure. The above photo shows chimney swifts returning to a Greensboro chimney for the night. They will be migrating back to Peru soon and we wanted to catch them at the chimney before they departed.
These birds have short legs that make it hard for them to perch in trees. Instead, they are build to hang on to the side of chimneys. They leave their roost at dawn and fly all day and do not land until they head back in for the night. While people might complain about having the birds in their chimneys, what they need to remember is that a nesting pair will eat 5,000- 6,000 insects per day. That is a pretty good record. We are lucky to have them, right here in Greensboro. They are fun to watch as they start coming back to their sleeping place and within a few minutes, they are in bed until sunrise.
Don't forget about the Piedmont Bird Club and the nature event at Bur- Mil Park on Saturday.
It sounds like they're quite productive then through the day!
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, October 09, 2015 at 02:50 PM