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Monday, October 05, 2015


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Janis Dority

Glad to hear your area didn't get hit too hard with this rain and flooding.
I love the way Acorns look!
We have Live Oaks, native to California here but their leaves are much smaller and more like a holly leaf while their acorns are long and narrow not fat and shiny like the White Oak.

When I was in grade school ( a bajillion years ago!) we studied the Native populations who were here long before the Spaniards arrived. To the point, we gathered, cracked, peeled and (with supervision) boiled the acorns from our schoolyard. Yes, they are food but they are not as tasty as those darn Squirrels make them look!
We dyed fabric, handmade paper and thin leather with the boil water.
It was the 60s, obviously!

William Kendall

I've heard acorns dropping on a shed roof- they do make quite a racket!


Ah... acorns. Just right for my slingshot. OUCH!


Gorgeous acorns!

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