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Wednesday, September 02, 2015


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Jane T. Mitchell

Proud to say I know her. I want a demonstration of that ballroom dancing!

Jane T. Mitchell

BTW, great picture!

Roger Green

She sounds like a marvelous woman.

Diane Westwell

What a HAPPY looking lady and so many interests too.

Grensboro sure is full of HIGH fliers.

Sounds an idyllic place to HABITATE.

Best wishes,
ABCW team.

♫ Mel☺dy ♫

Another hommage to an impressive person!

Have a nice day
Melody abc-w-team)

William Kendall

Very accomplished!

Janis Dority

She looks like a very positive person! I am looking for a dermatologist Gereensboro might be a little too far to travel for an appointment though!

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