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Thursday, September 10, 2015


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How funny you should mention that GDP, my niece who lives in Canada has just had a baby and she had a doula, up until then I'd never heard of them.

William Kendall

This is the first time I've heard the term doula.

Tequita Williamson

The first time I ever heard the term doula I said, "A what-a?" Now I am a doula. FYI... doulas don't catch babies. Catching babies is the job of the midwife or obstetrician because a doula is a non-medical support person. We provide information so that you know your options, along with physical and emotional support, etc. Doulas not only attend home births, we attend hospital births as well as birth center births. We provide service for "natural" births, births with epidurals or other pain management, as well as cesareans. Post partum doulas provide care in your home after you have your baby. :)
Tequita Williamson
Heart and Hands Birth Doula

Sandra Nishihata

Thank you for featuring my car as the picture of the day! I just found out about it and I am flattered.
I second Tequita, that a doula is not only for home births and we are not healthcare providers. Under www.GreensboroDoula.com you can find what a doula does and what not.
In fact, we are more likely to attend a hospital birth than a home birth, as we are really needed in a medical setting. Keeping a birthing woman's space and keeping her in her 'birthing zone' while supporting communication with her care provider is one of the main tasks of our job. And we support all kinds of birth. YOUR birth, YOUR choice! A doula should always offer non-judgmental support to her client. We just want our clients to be informed about pros and cons so the can make an educated decision!
If anyone has more questions about a doula and/or the services I specifically provide, please shoot me an email, text message, or call me!
Sandra Nishihata
[email protected]

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