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Wednesday, August 19, 2015


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I love massage, all kinds.

Thanks for visiting. I have been doing other things and have not visiting you for a while,


Pretty active gal.

William Kendall

Quite accomplished! I like that name.

Felicia Brown

Thank you so much for selecting me for ABC Wednesday! I am honored to be featured in your blog about Greensboro:-)


I go to a "registered massage therapist" regularly for my back problems, but a relaxation massage would be heavenly once in a while.

abcw team

Roger Green

My massage therapist just moved away. If I were closer...

♫ Mel☺dy ♫

Firstly my apologies for a late comment, i have been far to busy repairing my blog after a moval from one host to another... and taking care of other things that needed to be taken care of since my husband and i have health issues at the same time.

Hmmmm i would like a good massage right now, my back is trying to kill me once more

have a nice weekend

Melody (abc-w-team)

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