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Wednesday, August 05, 2015


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This lady and your town both seem too good to be true. :)
Wishing Delight many more years of delightful life.

William Kendall

Quite a lady, and I can see that we're of a similar mindset today.

Oakland Daily Photo

So many good and fascinating people in this world. Dee is one of them.


That's certainly a name you won't forget!

Jane T. Mitchell

Proud to say she is my friend. She and Pat have done a great job at Healing Ground.


What a unique name her parents chose for their delight of her arrival.


She seems like a wonderful woman who really 'lives up to her name.' Thanks for sharing her story! I wish you both the best.

Roger Green

What a charming name! And apparently, appropriate.


♫ Mel☺dy ♫

well what a beautiful name... one could have gotten a lesser nice one

Melody (abcw)

*waves to you*

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