Summer in Greensboro is a great time for nature walks. We have lovely parks and greenways here. The Greensboro Arboretum, on Ashland Drive, and the Tanger Family Bicentennial Gardens, off of Hobbs Road, are two of the many places where you can see an abundance of natural beauty. However, you don't have to go somewhere special to interact with nature. Walking through Greensboro's neighborhoods, you can find diverse flora and fauna. The above photo was taken on the east end of State Street. The street was behind us, cars were driving by; however, for that brief moment, when the eye was behind the camera lens, this beautiful scene appeared.
We encourage you to take time out of your day today and look at nature at the micro-level. Children love nature walks, especially if you take a magnifying glass and a camera. Children love to talk about what they are seeing, with or without prompting. For example, in the above photo, it is interesting that the morning glories are closed tightly and the yellow flowers (buttercups?) are wide awake. Wonder what a child would say about that! Here are some tips for nature walking from the Wilderness Society. Remember, "wilderness" can be an urban garden, your own backyard, that little strip between the street and the sidewalk, and beyond!
So pretty!
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 11:51 AM