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Saturday, July 11, 2015


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I do not know much of vintage cars, but this one is a beauty...


Powder blue and pink, how fabulous.. you found a fab vintage car threesome here Janis. You're right the old cars come out for an airing at the weekends :)

WIlliam Kendall

Quite a classic! There was a show of them here the same weekend we had Doors Open, and I took a bunch of shots.


Oooh I can see myself cruising down Avenue de Paris in that one!


Those were the days - when a T-Bird was a T-Bird. That's about a 1957, I think as it looks very similar, fin-wise, to our 1957 Ford Fairlane which some dingbat writing in some auto column called one of the world's ugly cars which it was not. It was beautiful. It was also a lemon, but that's another story!

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