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Wednesday, July 29, 2015


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Her dress looks like poolwear. Where's the tiki bar?

William Kendall

A good portrait shot!

Jane T. Mitchell

They look as inviting as they found Greensboro to be. Great picture.

Roger Green

Talk about wish fulfillment!



I dated a Dan Cheeseman once..... probably not related, I don't know.

Janis & David

@birdman: Definitely great atmosphere in the shop, but I didn't look for a tiki bar!
@William: Thank you. David and Caryl are great subjects.
@ROG: I agree!
@Freda: Who knows! It is a small world!

Diane Westwell

What a COLOURFUL and interesting lady.
Greensborough certainly sounds a delightful place
to live.
I take it the Spa and Pool outlet is for selling and
maintaining the residents Spa's and Pools?

Best wishes,
ABCW team.

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