Yesterday Greensboro Beautiful hosted the Parisian Promenade in the Tanger Family Bicentennial Garden. The above photo shows the field of poodles waiting to go in the ring to be judged. Poodles of all sizes and colors took their run around the ring of people in the park on Hobbs Road. There was even an "honorary poodle." The event also featured music performances, people selling art, and The GTCC Culinary Arts School demonstrating the art of French cooking. But most of all, in the fashion of New York City's Easter Parade, it was a chance for the public to get out to stroll and spend time with each other. While there was a free Wi-Fi tent, for the most part people were about as unconnected to their phones as an event can get these days.
These free events really do have a way of bringing people together and, in the summer, Greensboro is full of fun things to do for free. Remember, when we participate, it is up to us to help make the event as pleasant as possible for all in attendance. This message was brought to you by the above field of poodles, whose ages ranged from about 18 months to 13 years, and who were all on their best behavior!
Be careful not to step in a 'poodle'. They are wet.
Posted by: birdman | Monday, June 08, 2015 at 10:58 AM
Sorry I missed you. We were there until about 3:00 so we missed the real "poodle parade", nevertheless we saw beaucoup de caniches tout au long de notre prfomenade.
Posted by: Jane T. Mitchell | Monday, June 08, 2015 at 11:28 AM
Epic cuteness, and lots of wagging tails!
Posted by: William Kendall | Monday, June 08, 2015 at 11:45 AM
It's always fun when people with the same interests get together! Cute dogs!
Posted by: EG CameraGirl | Monday, June 08, 2015 at 12:32 PM