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Thursday, June 11, 2015


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William Kendall

Does the local newspaper do a column of community events, something along those lines? Ours has a weekly page of listings of such things.

Janis & David


Yes. Our newspaper prints the "Go Triad" section that has a lot of information. Still, it is really hard to find out about everything. Some people only advertise on Facebook; some events are tweeted out; some appear through the TV stations; and some appear in the paper. Also trending is "word of mouth" events. We depend on media to ferret out events. But it helps when the people who are hosting disseminate the information. There is so much to do and I want to do it all!



Love to see people enjoying themselves at events like these!

Hillary Meredith

Thanks for highlighting this event! You can find out all about free summer events in the Urban Parks and Greenway at gogso.org. Free Fitnees, Movies, Art In The Park, Tunes at Noon and more. We also have printed versions if you want to email me at [email protected].

Janis & David

@ Halcyon.. Yes, we love events like this, too.
@Hillary... Thank you so much for that useful information. Greensboro's Urban Parks and Greenway add so much to our community!

Janis & David

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