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Wednesday, May 27, 2015


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An interesting story: we have a few of these, but probably smaller..

Janis & David

VP, this one is pretty small. And, when you have those huge ships in Livorno who needs anything else to be big? Not everything can be suppressed!


Reader Wil

How interesting are these Homebrew Supplies. I have never seen them in the Netherlands.
Very useful if you want to have a party!
Wil, ABCW Team


My brother brews. I sample.

William Kendall

There are the odd places like that here, also small places.

Janis & David

VP, suppressed is not what I intended to say.


Roger Green

a business model that wouldn't have existed 20 years ago, likely

Su-sieee! Mac

Hmmm, there must be a similar shop in my area, too. We have a lot of small, independent breweries in the nearby counties. My guess is that there must be also a lot of brew hobbyists. I'll take a crafts beer over wine any day.
The View from the Top of the Ladder

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