Today is theme day for the City Daily Photo Community (CDP) and for May 1st, they have chosen "Revolution." CDP bloggers have a lot of leeway as to how to interpret the theme. We've decided to address it literally. Our contribution was taken at the March reenactment of the Revolutionary War; specifically, the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. This event happened on March 15, 1781, twenty-seven years before Greensboro became a city. General Greene's troops did so well in the battleship, under his leadership, that they decided to name our city after him. We lost the battle but won the war. Above, we see a photo of the cavalry approaching the field.
As we all charge, full steam ahead, into the weekend, we are thankful to live in a peaceful city and hope that "revolution" remains a thing in our past and "charge" is a shopping term, as opposed to a call to engage in warfare!
this is a perfect choice!
Posted by: Tbreese823 | Friday, May 01, 2015 at 07:26 AM
An ideal choice for the theme. I assumed someone would take on the American Revolution for this one. The re-enactors look quite smart in their uniforms.
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, May 01, 2015 at 11:53 AM