Happy first day of spring. The beauty of spring is the way it gently unfolds and reveals itself one small wonder at a time. Snow, ice, and gray skies retreat and a display of greenery pushes through the earth, one subtle hue at a time. Above, a path of rocks turns a magical mossy green as the sun peeks over the horizon.
Soon Greensboro will be a canvas of dogwood, tulip magnolia, redbud, and azalea blossoms. In the older, wealthier neighborhoods, Irving Park, Fisher Park, they will have been carefully placed by Greensboro's most trusted landscape designers. However, throughout the entire city, the colors of spring will be beautiful. Happy spring! Let's all run outside and plant something.
Nice colour!
Spring remains elusive here, though.
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, March 20, 2015 at 11:50 AM