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Saturday, March 14, 2015


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Hi Janis, thanks for the kind words about the sculptures this week, they're pretty cool hey. a bit like the name of your cafe above 'The People's Perk' love it! I really like it when small businesses get behind local artists like this, they need all the exposure they can get.

Janis & David

Thanks, Grace. You can see some of the pottery available and it is very reasonably priced. I'd love to see the inside of coffee shops in Perth, Australia. Have you featured any lately?


William Kendall

It looks quite inviting!


Definitely my kind of place!

Billy Jones

Been there a few times, Nancy and company run a nice shop. Good coffee too!

Janis & David

Hey Billy Jones. Nice to hear from you, again. It has been a while!

Janis & David

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