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« E-Car Seen this Weekend at UNCG | Main | Container Drayage 101 »

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


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An interesting history here. It reminded me that when I was working in Chicago, I used to walk past a family owned fur store almost every day. They always had some beautiful things in the window.
I'm sorry you had trouble posting comments to my site. I can't imagine what could have caused it but, I do know that blogger can be petty sensitive sometimes. There are a couple of sites I visit regularly where my comment will just disappear in the middle of me typing it. It's very frustrating.

William Kendall

I do like that staircase!

Roger Green

That construction of an outdoorish mall is SO North Carolina; some in Charlotte that are similar.



I like the idea of craftmanship, but not the idea of fur. I think it's outdated in this day and age.


An interesting building...

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