The Kriegsmans have been furriers since the 1870's when the family was living in Austria. About a century ago, family members immigrated to the United States. In 1928, Max and A.M. Kriegsman founded the Greensboro store. In addition to storing furs, they repair and custom design products. The fur industry has changed significantly from back in the day when it was harder to find warmth on a cold winter day and when wearing fur was a sign of financial status. Even middle class women wanted a touch of fur on a coat. The Kriegsman's work hard to keep their business contemporary and use materials like cashmere that appeal to people who might not wear fur. As businesses change over the decades and centuries, it is harder to find people truly connected to their craft; where, a product is taken from concept to completion through the craftsmanship of a single person or store. Kriegsmans is that kind of store. It is located on Cornwallis Drive at Cornwallis Court.
We think their family and their family's story would be a good one to be featured in a local magazine or newspaper. Today is ABC Wednesday and for our ABC local series, K is for Kriegsman. (Notice in the sign above that K is for Kaplan D.D.S., too)!
An interesting history here. It reminded me that when I was working in Chicago, I used to walk past a family owned fur store almost every day. They always had some beautiful things in the window.
I'm sorry you had trouble posting comments to my site. I can't imagine what could have caused it but, I do know that blogger can be petty sensitive sometimes. There are a couple of sites I visit regularly where my comment will just disappear in the middle of me typing it. It's very frustrating.
Posted by: Sharon | Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 10:58 AM
I do like that staircase!
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 11:55 AM
That construction of an outdoorish mall is SO North Carolina; some in Charlotte that are similar.
Posted by: Roger Green | Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 09:55 PM
I like the idea of craftmanship, but not the idea of fur. I think it's outdated in this day and age.
Posted by: Halcyon | Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 04:19 AM
An interesting building...
Posted by: VP | Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 08:33 AM