The Fellowship Presbyterian Church on New Garden Road has a day school. They offer a half day pre-school, a Kindergarten, and after school care. The school was established in 1998, and 17 years later, is still going strong. They also offer summer camps for children and should be gearing up for registration now. The 11.9 acres on which this church school was built, has been owned by Fellowship Presbyterian since 1966. Over the past 50 years, the congregation has been growing and expanding its mission. In addition to the traditional church meetings and programs, Fellowship Presbyterian has played a significant leadership role in recycling in Greensboro. That is a much-needed undertaking and one that should be introduced to young children as early as possible. We're betting they do so in their day school.
This photo was taken during the summer. We're just so ready for spring, that we searched the archives for something with a little bit of green. Have a happy Sunday and check back with us next Sunday when it will officially be spring!
Some churches just look funny. This one looks like a dentist office or a VIP dealership.
Posted by: Birdman | Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 10:07 AM
Quite a modern design for a church.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 02:52 PM
This is the west side entrance by the church office, fellowship hall and classrooms. Not the entrance into the Sanctuary where services are conducted. That is around on the New Garden Rd side with an entrance by Richfield Rd.
Posted by: Charles Layno | Monday, March 16, 2015 at 10:38 AM