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Thursday, February 19, 2015


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looks like here! we were already out of school mon/tues because of pres day and conferences but ended up with snow days on wed and today...wondering if tomorrow will be one as well since the temps won't warm up today at all...stay warm!!

EG CameraGirl

The blue sky is such a beautiful contrast to the snow!


Enjoy your snow cover. If you need more, you are welcome to any or all 85 inches now that has fallen here since December. I like to share.

William Kendall

That certainly is pretty!


That's very pretty, especially with the blue, blue skies.


Beautiful shot of the snow.

Yes, I am still in NC. In the triangle are we had a little snow followed by a lot more sleet and freezing rain on Monday night which left us pretty paralyzed because there was a thick layer of ice on the roads. Then Wednesday night we had a short snow shower. It was so cold for a while that even with temperatures above freezing yesterday, there were still icy patches on the road yesterday. I think it will be warm enough today to melt the rest and it's also raining today.

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