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Thursday, February 12, 2015


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Jane T. Mitchell

Your Spanish side is showing. My Wikipedia reference to Greene appears en inglés.

William Kendall

A great general, and the backdrop is beautiful!

William Kendall

Regarding your comment at my blog- that might be a problem. I'm not sure if your blog is a Blogger one or not, but the problem with the captchas seems to be something you need to bring up with the site help center. You had very easy captchas to write down, and for whatever reason the system refused to recognize them, so something's amiss. I suggest restoring the captcha option, bringing the matter up with the site's help center, and adding in a remark just below Post A Comment about signing in with the other options if the problem shows itself. That's how I commented here on a couple of posts, by going through Facebook.

D Purcell

James Barnhill is the sculptor. See docsouth.unc.edu site

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