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Wednesday, February 25, 2015


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What a nice service and nice vehicle.


Might need to look for a better choice. They seem to have shut down.



A colorful bus that provides a great service!

Janis & David

Very bad timing on our part. At any rate, it did provide a good service. It is a good idea, if someone is looking for a business to start!

Janis & David

William Kendall

I have seen something similar here that appears to be linked to hospital networks, but as a non emergency alternative to ambulances.

There is also the Para Transpo service, but that's a larger service.

Reader Wil

This is a very good thing. We have a similar service here, and I often travel to neighbouring towns by means of public transport., but also by this service. It is cheaper than the bus. I don't like cycling for more than 20 minutes because it often rains and there is often a strong wind blowing, so this personal transport is very welcome.
Great post!
Wil, ABCW.

Roger Green

Such a GREAT idea!


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