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« Bold Hawk at Bennett College | Main | Snow Day and Solving the Mystery of the Longest Kiss »

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


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Interesting & useful place :)


I bet I could find something to keep myself occupied here.

William Kendall

That sounds like a good idea!

William Kendall

By the way, it's my experience that spammers overwhelmingly target older posts- I recommend setting a word verification for posts more than two weeks old. That should take care of them.

Roger Green

I approve!


Sounds like a great place. I like the idea of nurturing creativity. :)

Diane Westwell

Brilliant concept and a great help to the innovative amongst members of the community.
My husband could easily get lost in there!

Best wishes,
ABCw team.

Twinkle Parekh

Good to know such places also exist.

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